Explore the LOVB latest team rankings and performance stats, including wins, losses, stream and set ratios to see how your favorite team is performing this season.
Rankings with LOVB will be the simplest to measure: win percentage. Winning the highest percentage of matches throughout the season will move teams up and down the rankings
Step 2/3
Two Teams Are Tied
Head-to-Head (HTH) match record
If still tied
HTH sets won divided by HTH total sets played
If still tied
HTH total points won divided by HTH total points played
If still tied
Season total sets won against all teams divided by season total sets played against all teams
If still tied
Season total points won against all teams divided by season total points played against all teams
Step 3/3
Three or More Teams Are Tied
Match winning percentage of all matches amongst all of the tied teams
If still tied
Set winning percentage of all sets played amongst all of the tied teams
If still tied
Points winning percentage of all points played amongst all of the tied teams
If team is eliminated from a multiple team tie
Breaking the tie will proceed with the Two Teams process to decide the final ranking